Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Dream Come True

My beloved Preetu, whom I was introduced as my colleague, but with her sheer genius and amicable personality, became one of my very close friends in an astonishingly short time period of 3 months has written this for her beloved (no that's not me, :( unfortunately, yet I thought this needs a deserving space (hope this is a good place to put forth her first attempt in poetry.....))

A Dream Come True


When the sun is shining bright

and the breeze is blowing light;

Comes flowing in my mind

The thought of love I can't find;

Deep in my soul, is a grinding moan,

Of a failure to seek, embrace and call someone my own.

And just then, riding on a milky horse

came an heir of several lands and chores;

His eyes like two diamonds sparkling shine

His torso of a warrior in valour divine;

Down he descends from his rider

With an attitude of a victorious fighter.

His smile that sinks deep into my heart

And my soul tears out into several parts;

His breath was like a survival desire

His touch had the warmth of a latent fire;

His words were like fragrant petals dropping few

An experience my friends I never knew.

How I feel the world in his arms

And all my hearts moaning, Has sunk into smiling calms.

This My Beloved, I need to tell you

That you are my Dream Come True.

P.s. (Dedicated to my husband)


Neat eh...?

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